Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Creating Stereoscopic 3D Images

Had difficulty with how far to move the camera but I found these to work well. The location on campus is the last photo showing the gates to the dorms.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Recreating Cameras and Lights in Maya

This was more challenging then I thought it would be. Took me a while to figure out Maya but I learned lots and I'm starting to like what I got.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Second Term Paper

No term paper is being submitted.

I hope that you may enjoy having to grade one less term paper. Either way, have a great Veteran's Day.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Outline for the Second Term Paper

Physics principle: Wave


  • Waves play an integral part in most films. Though it is a basic idea, it's a fundamental element of sound, explosions, and waves. It's simple enough in theory, but it's much more complex in real life which makes it either difficult to replicate in movies or not very feasible to have portrayed accurately.
  • Define wave.


      • How is it incorrect?:
        • Bubble's sonic scream glows white like a light source.
        • The waves travel slower than the speed of sound.
        • The sound is heard before the visual sound waves reaches the camera.
        • The waves travel in a line rather than in all direction from Bubbles.
        • Bubbles is able to withstand her own sonic scream.
  • Film:  The Humpbacked Horse
    • Scene 43:31
      • How is it incorrect?:
        • The waves do not scale appropriately back in perspective.
        • The sea foam is not referenced.
        • Not very believable.
        • Flat.
        • Too ordered in its movements. Not chaotic enough.
        • Doesn't relate to the wind as seen in the boat and birds.
  • Film: Star Wars
    • Scene 0:32
      • How is it incorrect?:
        • Throughout there are explosions that are accompanied with sound.
        • In space, there is little air for the waves to travel along and so the sound shouldn't be as loud.
        • The physics of it was known but was ignored to increase entertainment value.

  • Reasons for such decisions.
    • Visuals for the sonic scream may have been used to clarify what was going on.
    • The speed helped clarification as well.
    • It aided the story to work differently from real physics.
    • The physics was not the main focus of the scene.
    • It increased entertainment value.
  • These films are greatly loved though and as long as the story and characters are good then the physics may be altered for the universe they take place in.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Character Animation

This is Veronica's and my stopmotion.

I drew up storyboards.

She animated scene one, three, four, six, and twelve. I animated scene two. We both did five, and eleven together.

I'm sorry Veronica. I didn't realize in regards to scenes how uneven the work was. I may have dedicated myself too much of my work to being cameraman.

For scene 5, we were having some trouble until I suggested that we shoot the two characters separate and composite them. We then put Batman on a multiply layer which is why that scene looks like that.

For the throw, we shot a video since we thought we had more than enough for the required limit on frames.

Veronica aligned all the frames and I worked all the timing in Flipbook.

She did the voice of Spiderman while I did Batman.

A friend of ours did the voice of the third character and provided the tripod, paints, and some filming.

It was fun.